Heartbeat is always balancing the release of our youth musicians co-creations into the world, their physical and emotional safety, and where they are in their educational process. In the case of the music video “Hopeless Town,” the filmmaker of the video decided to conduct an interview between both youth musicians Rasha and Neomi before the live performance. After watching the footage, the Heartbeat Staff had a discussion about whether what Rasha said in the interview might endanger her music carrier in the years to come. To address this issue, we held a dialogue with her and Neomi to explain our concerns and strongly suggest to only release the live performance part of the music video without the interview accompanying it. At the time, Rasha and Neomi both felt strongly about including the interview. After a group dialogue about the situation, where understanding was reached, but not agreement, Heartbeat Staff still decided nonetheless to step-in and not include the interview. Years later, Rasha spoke about this incident and said that though at the time she felt a bit disappointed that the interview was not included, she fully understood after a few more years of dialogue and raising of critical consciousness that it was best the interview had not been included. This decision by the Heartbeat Staff was controversial, since we recognize that youth must feel empowered to share their voices with their communities, but also that a youth-centered approach includes considering the needs and educational process of the youth musician. This also suggests we employ a “youth-centered critical pedagogy,” and use experiences of disagreement as a learning possibility for all involved.